Community Needs

The Township's purpose is to serve its residents. As a broader look is taken of East Pikeland as a whole, it becomes obvious that there are needs that must be met in order to provide a healthy and safe place for residents to live. Adding additional parkland and trails and amenities like a dog park and community garden help to support some of those needs. 


Gaps in Service:

Historically our Township has been deficient in parkland. As a result, the Township has set goals to increase and diversify park and open space options. This proposed project would help to achieve those goals by providing facilities that are not currently available in East Pikeland - a dog park and a community garden.  Additionally, since the property is relatively flat, it would allow for ADA walking paths so that people of all abilities will be able to recreate and enjoy the outdoors.

While we currently allow dogs in Kimberton Park and on the French Creek Trail, both of these facilities have strict leash-only rules. A dog park would allow space for dogs to exercise off leash and result in increased socialization for dogs and owners in a safe, controlled environment.


Population Expansion: 

Over the last few years, East Pikeland has seen growth with the addition of new apartments and single-family homes, resulting in an increase in population by close to 1,000 new residents within a 4-year period.  The Route 724 Corridor in the township has been identified as a redevelopment growth district with more commercial and residential projects anticipated within the next few years. This project is located within close proximity to Route 724 and will be instrumental in addressing the demand from residents (new and old) for an increase in park, open space and outdoor recreation opportunities.  

Both of the proposed uses for this open space – a dog park and a community garden - would be especially beneficial for residents living in apartments, townhomes and small-lot single-family homes, where they do not have the space to safely walk dogs or grow their own food.


Food Security:

Community gardens help to decrease food insecurity by providing families with access to space to grow nutritious food at low or no cost. Not only will garden plots be available, the Township will provide compost for all of the raised beds, a shed with gardening equipment to use, and a free seed library – all at no cost to gardeners. Besides the garden plots, the plan also includes a mini orchard with apple and pear trees; as well as blueberry and raspberry bushes. The fruit from these trees and bushes will be free to the public.


New Elementary School:

Due to the population growth in the Phoenixville Area School District, they have recently purchased land fronting on Hares Hill Road, about 1,000 ft. from this property, with plans to build a new elementary school. The new school will accommodate approximately 650 children upon completion.  Students and teachers would benefit from accessing the paved walking trails, community garden, and meadowland/native habitat planned for this property. In addition, parents, teachers, and families can walk on the trails, utilize the dog park, or check on their garden plot before or after school.


Native Meadowland & Green Stormwater Systems:

In response to a lack of native habitat in the area, East Pikeland Township is dedicated to restoring habitat and providing green stormwater infrastructure on our properties where possible. The remaining portion of the property not being used for a dog park or community garden (approx. 8 acres) will be transitioned to native meadowland with the addition of rain gardens and bioswales where needed. This space will provide habitat for birds, pollinators, and other native animals while also offering educational opportunities for the users of the property.

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