We know that one of the recreational features we lack in East Pikeland is ADA Accessibility. In order to improve access, we have made sure that specific design features have been included in the plan for the Ridge Road Park project that will ensure equal access for all.
Table top garden beds
Features include:
Parking Lot: The plan includes 4 ADA accessible parking spaces for users of the park.
Accessible paths: This plan hopes to remedy our current deficiency in paved, looped trails in our township by providing a 6ft wide trail with a number of loops. All main paths will be ADA accessible.
Kiosks: Our kiosks and interpretive signs will all be built in compliance with ADA standards.
Accessibility to dog park: The entrance areas to each dog park pen will be ADA accessible and paved in concrete.
Garden features: In addition to the standard raised beds (which increase accessibility vs the ground), we plan to provide tabletop garden beds for people who use wheelchairs. These beds will be located off of the paved paths, making them ADA accessible.
Pavilions: Proposed pavilions will be built at ground level, ensuring access at all times.
Benches: We will also provide wheel chair accessible bench spaces along the walking path and in the dog park and community garden spaces.
Drinking Fountains: At least one ADA accessible drinking fountain will be available for users.
If you have additional ideas for ways in which we can improve access, we would love to hear them! Please consider attending our future public comment session. More information will be available in the coming months on the Township homepage and under the Ridge Road Park Project Tab.