Community Garden & Orchard Design

The community garden and orchard have been designed with all residents in mind.

The garden features both raised and table top garden beds to be accessible to people with all abilities.


Raised beds

Table top garden beds for ADA accessibility


Area residents can reserve plots for a small fee and will sign a user contract which includes maintenance expectations and other rules. The garden will be surrounded by a 6ft. fence in order to prevent deer and other creatures that would eat the produce. This fence can also be used to prevent theft and vandalism when secured at night.


The orchard will include apple and pear trees; as well as blueberry and raspberry bushes. The fruit from these trees and bushes will be free to the public. All excess fruit will be donated to a local food bank. 

Apples, pears, and berries will be free to take!


People gardening can choose to keep all the food they produce, or donate all or a portion to a local food pantry. We are also considering having a few communal plots which everyone tends; all of the food from those plots would be donated to a local pantry.

In order to increase access for people of all socioeconomic levels, the township will provide compost for all of the garden beds, a shed with gardening equipment to use, and a free seed library – all at no cost to gardeners.


Image taken from the Charlestown Community Garden at Brightside Farm.


The garden and orchard will both have strict organic policies in order to reduce harmful runoff into area wetlands and streams.

As we are still early in the planning phase, exact numbers and rules have not yet been determined. We would love to hear your ideas!


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