What can you do?


Many properties are designed to shed water, as fast as possible, away from the house. During a heavy storm this can cause an overload to the local streams and as a result, a large amount of pollutants and sediments to enter the local waterways. Take a look around your property, find any low points and take note of where your downspouts are located on the sides of your house. Have you ever looked out into your yard and seen any flooded areas? If not, it might be a good idea to wait until another hard rain to find any problem areas.

Knowing where all of these things are on your property can be very beneficial when planning out what to install onto your property.


Decide what you would like to install onto your property to help with absorbing and filtering some of the storm water that flows from your property.

Some of the Stormwater Management Practices you can install on your own property are:

  • Rain Barrels
  • Rain Gardens
  • Downspout Planters

Be sure that you call 811, 72 hours before you start digging.


Install these devices as you wish on your property, just make sure to call the Township office to check if any permits are required!




Rain Barrels

Rain Gardens

Downspout Planters


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