Information & Links
National Center for Missing and Explioted Children website Click here for a missing-child guide for families Reflective Address Markers Kimberton Fire Company and Liberty Steam Fire Company are taking orders for Reflective Address Markers ~Only $15.00~ For more information please call 610-935-1388 (Kimberton Fire House) Click here for order form Seat Belt Safety
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Does ReadyChesCo Alert You? ReadyChesCo is used to notify you during a major crisis or emergency, and delivers important emergency alerts; such as weather, road closures, health, or community alerts. You can choose to sign up by county, municipality, or by topic. Notifications and updates to you on all your devices:
Registration takes only a few minutes! You can register by visiting www.readychesco.org It is free to sign up for ReadyChesCo, and you can choose the type of alerts that you get. Your wireless carrier may charge you to get messages on your device, so check your plan to see what is covered. You can choose to stop getting these messages at any time.