Spotted Lanternfly


Unfortunately we've received reports that the Spotted Lanternflies have started to hatch in April 2020. Remember that when they are in their first instar they are hard to see because they are so small. However, this is the perfect time to catch them using tree wrapping techniques, because they can't jump like the older versions can!
*Consider putting chicken wire around the wrap to prevent birds and other beneficial insects from being trapped. If a creature gets stuck, use cooking oil to gently get the animal off the wrap.*
Check out THIS PAGE with webinar series created by Penn St. Extension for more details. 

The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive pest, native to Asia that has been found in Pennsylvania.
It is already having a detrimental effect on agriculture in Eastern PA and things will only continue to get worse if we don't all work to eradicate this pest and the Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus) that it thrives on.
East Pikeland is in the quarantine zone, meaning that if you travel outside of the zone you should check your car and outdoor equipment for spotted lanternfly eggs, nymphs, and adults before moving within or out of the quarantine zone. Don't move firewood.
It's up to homeowners to take charge on their private properties and work to eradicate the Tree of Heaven and the spotted lanternfly. We have compiled important links below that will introduce you to the spotted lanternfly and also explain best practices to most effectively kill it.
We also encourage people to share ideas on social media and to try new methods. Let us know what works so we can share with others!
In order to find even more information on the spotted lanternfly (including FAQs) we suggest that you go to the Penn State Extension  website HERE
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