Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) consists of three (3) residents of the township, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Their terms of office are three years and staggered so that the term of one member expires each year.

Appointments to fill mid-term vacancies are only for the unexpired portion of the terms. Members of this board are unable to hold any other office within the township.

The ZHB hears and decides upon requests for special exceptions authorized by the Zoning Ordinance and appeals for variances where it is alleged that the provisions of the zoning ordinance inflict unnecessary hardship upon the applicant.

3 Members (Serving 3-Year Terms)
Meet as Needed

Current Members:
Mark Brooks
Mark Hammaker
Cliff Schultz

Alternate Member - Vacant

Wendy McLean, Solicitor

Kimberly Venzie, Alternate Solicitor


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